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One of the hardest things I’ve had to do in my life is be a single mom. Yes, I have a job, I have to take care of my home, and try to spend time with friends and family but my son comes first. One of the most frustrating things that happens to me very often is when my girlfriends invite me to go out at the drop of a hat. It might be a bachelorette party, baby shower or just shopping and socializing. I wish they would understand that when you are a single mom, you just can’t do that. In my case I need to get a babysitter, make sure my son is taken care of, fed, have his medicine ready when he’s sick, and other things my friends don’t think about.
One of the things that bothers me most about using a dating site is that guys typically are talking to five girls at the same time and they will usually pick the girl that doesn’t have a kid. That leaves me in the dust, and it really sucks. Men typically aren’t mature enough to understand women who do have kids. And to top it off guys complain that they have to pay for dates all the time. What they don’t understand is that I spend money on hair and makeup products, then gas and parking to get to the date. Overall, I believe men should take these things into account when dating a single mom because there are a lot more factors involved than they think. If you feel the same way please leave me a comment, I’d love to talk more about it!
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Kristin Vp of Instamour said:
Another thing is I don’t think men realize how much a single mom appreciated get date . She gets to have adult time dress up feel pretty enjoy a good conversation and since her time is so sparse and she doesn’t have time to date as much as a single women with no kids she gets attached easier . Dating is so emotional for single moms mostly when a single moms is so strong for their child all the time Its hard to unferstand why she is so wesk over a man Rejection is just a reminder of her failed attempt the first time around heartbreaking !