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Sure it sucks when you go to a family event, or a friend’s party, and everyone is married, but you aren’t.
But are you happy? Most likely you are, and the married couples aren’t (not all of them of course). So it makes you wonder, if you settle down with the next person who says they love you, will you be happy? That’s a great question, and the answer is something you will have to find out on your own.
I myself am 36 years old, and have never been married. If I ever do get married, it will surely be the result of getting hit in the head by a bag of sparks (or butterflies), that I have yet to witness. I am so used to being single, and enjoying my solitary happiness, that I’m not completely sure getting married will make me any happier. I’d love to know how other people feel about this. Do you want to get married because you don’t want to be alone? Because you want to have children? Because you are simply tired of being single?
Leave me a comment to tell me what you think!
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Online dating is a funny world of its own. Every date I've been on with a man that uses these sites tells me they do not believe in the institution of marriage . My question is why do these men go online looking for love why Do they waste hopeless romantics time that actually want to meet their other half ? I mean they are attractive men have great careers well spoken good personalities polite men very well rounded and have a lot to offer a lucky lady. But here's the catch they do not ever want to marry a woman even if they fall in love. Now as a woman I want to find love and get married and build a life together with the right man and ASAP I'm 30 times just passing me by I won't be young and beautiful forever. Sorry but being the third wheel to all my married friends events is getting old and my single friends suck period !! They are never around and boring always texting and face booking and tweeting while we're out nothing like talking to a person that has their face cemented to their phone and is making sure they tag every thing we do and place we go like we're actually enjoying ourselves hence why they are my “single friends”.. Usually me and these men I try dating from online get into a heated debate the first date on why marriage doesn't matter this day in age other then financial and tax reasons or making your parents happy because of their religious beliefs since most of us generation x adults now have little to no religious desire beliefs or morals Whats the point right .I think candy crush is as deep of a commitment as we can make these days I mean getting to level 97 is loyalty lol. Here are some of the feedback I get from men on marriage ~Marriage is what women want all men would be happy if they knew it wasn't something they may need to hear about from a lover or long term girlfriend. Girls are crazy and marriage is a contract to control and give women all the power and money .Women only want to get married for financial security . Men don't want a wife because the very thought of sleeping with the same women night after night makes them want to jump off a cliff . Why do they need a wife when the have online dating and can sleep with two to three women per week (good job ladies keep giving out the goods and creating monsters) A lot of men are saying they do not want a wife cause they do not have the desire to have children they cost too much money and they really like they way their life is right now and see no room for sharing what they have or changing up the lifestyle they created …hmm doesn't sound narcissistic at all also if a guy does find the right girl he has job problem moving in settling but no need to Marry her and waste money ,I wonder if this is the economy talking or how men really feel talk about cheap there's still Vegas baby . I'm just thinking all the excuses are really still cause men are pigs and just want To sleep around and not commit bottom line . Heck I have a great idea ladies if men want to destroy our dreams of marriage and hope why don't we just stop sleeping with them maybe they will change up their way of thinking i think you men are a tad spoiled in 2013!!Marriage is not just a contract it shows the person you love that you respect them until the day you die and want to share all of your life with them and grow old No matter what good and bad happens along the journey .Anybody can be boyfriend and girlfriend but not everyone has what it takes to be husband and wife .
I saw a saying the other day a real man will love One woman in a 1000 ways not just a 1000 women.