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Now in day, it seems like everyone is either dating, seeing each other, feeling the waters, living together, or just being lovers / partners.  Marriage has turned into a job say some people.  You have to work hard to keep it together, and they feel like maybe it’s better to just be in a relationship without the “paper” that says you are married.  Most people are focusing on their lives, their careers, their friends and family, more than they are looking for a wife or husband.  It’s a difficult thing to figure out for yourself when you are used to your routine in life, and having to give up at least 50% of that for your potential spouse.  Check out what Kristin and I had to say about this in our video below, or watch it here on YouTube.  Leave a comment to tell us what you think about Marriage in 2013!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nProGTUzJA]

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