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I receive messages from married or attached men way too often. It's exhausting.
“Hey there, I'm old enough to be your father and I've been married for, most likely, as many years as you are old. Still, mind chatting?” Yes, I mind. Buddy, please. You can't handle this.
This message is from a 28 year old bloke who lives about an hour from me. I completely understand that open marriages/relationships can work for some folks. I have a friend who was in an open marriage for years. It takes a lot of trust and communication between the two parties. However, when messaging me, a stranger, and expressing that you are looking for the same things and have the same interests it becomes offensive. You have obviously been careless in your reading of my profile. I have not in anyway let on that I'm looking for a fling, in fact I have done the opposite. In my relationship type, I list Strictly Monogamous. I express that you should message me if you think we would complement each other and are interested in pursuing something serious. As for our interests, you don't list anything in your profile. How am I to make a fair assessment of you if I was interested in something like that.
I appreciate your honesty in your outright admittance to being in an attached relationship, but there are women on here (plenty apparently) that are rip-roaring and ready to go for a fling. I feel like I'm constantly being targeted by scumballs. Does anyone else have these experiences? Is it just me?
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I get a lot of messages from guys who are in relationships but are just looking for friends (Um, right “friends”) Even if that’s truly the case, can’t you make friends somewhere else other than an online dating site?! *shaking my head*