date, dating, dating tips, facebook, instagram, match, okcupid, online dating, pinterest, relationship, sex, snapchat, socialcam, threesome, tinder, twitter, video, vine, youtube
So, this is not the first time that I’ve been asked to have a threesome. I tend to be slightly flattered, yet fiercely appalled. It’s absolutely ridiculous to me that some stranger will endeavor to get into my knickers via the internet. I didn’t even get a “Hey, how are you this evening?” Nope, just a “Hey, let’s get busy!”
I show the message to my friend and she begs me to respond. Oh, why not? Apparently, this works for him at least twice a week. This must explain why I get so many inappropriate messages from guys wanting to get into my panties without so much of an utterance of a hello. He likes the thrill of anonymous sex and thinks I should give it a try sometime. Buddy, please! I would definitely prefer to not catch some kind of heebie jeebs.
For some reason, I fascinate him even more. Before it goes any further, I bow out. Good night, good luck, and for the love of all things wonderful, protect thyself.
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I don’t know, when guys online say something “works for them,” I always assume they are saying it as a persuasion tactic and that the reality is it has only worked in their imagination.