communication, date, dating, dating tips, facebook, feelings, instagram, match, okcupid, online dating, pinterest, relationship, sex, snapchat, socialcam, threesome, tinder, twitter, video, vine, youtube
It seems like every time I meet a girl and we hit it off in some way, they start to think about their “feelings”. Us guys (at least me in particular), we just simply want to hang out with the girl again to see where it might lead. We don’t think about, “Oohh, do I like her?!?!?”, or “Does she like me?!?!”. We just assume that if a girl accepts the invitation to hang out again, that she in fact does like us. Because that’s how we think. If we ask you to hang out again, we like you, plain and simple.
A great analogy would be Man of Steel (comes out today!). I’m super excited to see this movie (just as I am to see a girl I like). But do I think about how I feel about it? NO! Because I have no idea how I feel about it! (I haven’t seen it yet). I just know that I am excited to see it! Even after I watch it, I won’t have real feelings about it. More of a rating. Thumbs up or Thumbs down. Again, simple.
So that’s how we treat girls in some respect, either a thumbs up or down rating. If we like you, we will want to see you again. Don’t ruin it by asking a million questions right away. Just let nature take its’ course and let the romance happen gradually, and naturally. Forcing intimacy and feelings is just wrong in so many ways. So ladies, instead of talking about your feelings within the first couple of dates, try to just enjoy the time spent with your guy. Make him feel special, make him happy, show him that you like him, don’t tell him. If you do a good enough job of SHOWING us that you like us, then we will KNOW that you like us, we won’t need to hear it. Vice Versa ladies……Vice Versa…..
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The online dating world can be very confusing for anyone thats never tried it hence why some females and males get confused and start asking about their feelings after three dates.I think after 30 no one thats looking for anything “serious” wants to waste their time on something that may not prosper. As a female I can honestly say just because, a man ask me to hang out more then once doesn't mean hes into me and likes me. He might likelooking at me my boobs and butt he might like making out with me or hes bored and I'm available .I do agree with dating is like going to see a movie as a female are we excited yes after we initially meet do we know how we feel ..no but we do have the thumbs up thumbs down thing going on also. I personally know if the guy is going to get another date or a kiss or a call you eitherhave chemistry ,things in common , a spark or you don't simple. Have I as a female scared men away talking about my feelings …YES YES YES this is the main reason I'm not taken using online dating ..I have no probem getting attention,emails or dates but then when i go out with a guy and think it might go somewhere i think for some reason I think I should see where its all going and the guy always dumps me or it gets ackward after I tell them I'm feeling anything so soon ..So on that note ladies really try “not ” to jump before you crawl. From my experiance men are simple creatures they want to keep it as simple as possible at first they want to laugh have fun be admired and when they are ready they will let you know your the one they are serious about.
After six dates with a fella he calls me up to discuss his “feelings “as you know that's a lot of dates in the online dating world there is usually like a two date rule as you never see the person or hear from them again and if you even text ,”hello”your just a weirdo lol . So anyway this guy says,”Kris I've been thinking and feeling like I really don't want a girlfriend right now , I just want to be single and not tied down with just one girl and I want to be able to date several women at this time it's not you it's me bs I'm great and blah blah blah .” So then he continues to explain his shallow feelings and asks me how I feel and I say “we'll ok I can see why you feel that way etc.” of course I was being nice I wanted to bawl, and say whats wrong with me? Being the sensitive female that I am I was polite and got off the phone an cried about my rejection. So after a very awkward call that he made to me while he's in Atlantic City of all places enjoying himself we end it nicely hang up with a fake laugh and a small joke ya we can be friends BS etc its all good blah blah blah …. Then a few hours later when I'm all alone thinking and feeling like us females tend to do to much …I realize all my married friends are busy and all my single friends suck and aren't around cause they are off face booking and tweeting something somewhere I start to get really mad… I mean how dare this guy tell me how he feels!! Is dumping me even a feeling it's only been six dates ???? And we weren't even together wtf !! How dare he dump what we didn't even have yet . so I pick up my phone and text – I feel like I dislike what you did . So a few minutes go by and he text – Kris why did you text me that,do you want this to get ugly? Here's the thing that bothers me the most about this , the alpha male can tell me he feels like he wants to dump me so he can bang a zillion other chicks but me, but I can't respond with my feelings that I dislike this very much. So basically men are allowed to discuss their feelings when they are dumping you and females are just crazy for feeling anything at all period.
Lets be honest he should of just said,”Kris I know we have only been out 6x and you never said, your my girlfriend but we dated more then 2x you know what that means now lose my number never text hello cause I don't want you anymore I banged a chick last-night in AC and I plan on doing this again and again with any chick thats willing and doest want a relationship like most of you needy females so Kris- don't bother feeling anything cause you will never see or hear from me again !!!And If you contact me I will call you crazy and stuff and it will get ugly ,cause I will make you feel like shit about yourself cause I am a dude!
Most women wouldn’t date a guy who was unable to tell her how he felt about a film he just saw in some detail. That would just prove to her how surface level he is. A man who can tap into his feelings on any level is a man confident in who he is which makes him attractive. Guys who are afraid of opening up or showing emotion or thinking about how something or someone effects them are unattractive to the ladies. I’ve learned this very important role over my years of dating. Be willing to be transparent and the woman will be putty in your arms.
The best kind of man can sense the energy between him and his date. If she is asking about feelings, instead of getting defensive he should just jump right into the conversation and simply say what he’s feeling…even if he doesn’t know fully because it’s the first date. An honest man is way more attractive than a defensive man.