How do You Pick Out the Crazies During a Date?
Yesterday a very eligible, single guy I know commented that it usually takes 6 months before the crazy comes out …
Yesterday a very eligible, single guy I know commented that it usually takes 6 months before the crazy comes out …
What do you do when he finally tells you he feels the same way? You’ve been telling your friends he’s The one” …
Sometimes I wish it were the fifties. I wasn’t born yet, but according to my mother, my boyfriends should be …
If I say yes will I get herpes? I don't like gifts that I can't return. I'm not really buying …
First off I want to thank “Dana”, one of our readers for submitting this hilarious screenshot! So this guy flat …
I’m… so… confused… I’m perplexed about what this dude is trying to accomplish with his message. You called me love, …
I am what people tend to call, feisty. I have this filter problem, resting bitch-face, as well as the inability …
You guys know by now that I get some pretty interesting messages. Guys that wanna fight me and everything …
Mr. Washboard Abs, I can't stop looking at your Rectus Abdominus. Damn, what I would do… Really, that is besides …
Allow me to preface this post with my official statement: I am not a sizeist. I’m not here to …